triggers this, but many players are claiming this is an adult Jack Marston's voice, and might be proof that single-player DLC is on the way. Adult Jack appears in the epilogue of the original Red Dead Redemption; could we get a Red Dead Redemption remake, or a continuation of that ...
GeForce RTX 4090 显卡上的 NVIDIA 16 针连接器烧毁,电缆和插头熔化了,据传有人在 NVIDIA subreddit 上发布了一张 NVIDIA 16 针连接器全部烧毁的图片。该用户在 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 PC 上玩 Red Dead Redemption 2 时,显卡起火并烧毁了电源连接器。图片显示电源适配器(包括 16 针至 4 x 8 针插头)和...