As always, Rockstar have rammed their latest game to bursting point with extra stuff to do. Here’s what’s in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Red Dead Redemption 2 has 14 Legendary Fish Locations. Finding all legendary fish in RDR2 is needed for A Fisher of Fish Stranger Mission and they count as a collectible for 100% completion. They are also needed to complete the Fish Compendium under the Progress Menu. Only the first 13 leg...
Red Dead 2 (RDR2) Hunting and Fishing Guide Hunting and Fishing can be fun and lucrative, unlocking great Perks. How to Kill Legendary Animals and Legendary Animal Locations- A step-by-step guide for hunting LegendaryAnimals. Legendary Alligator ...
On this page you can learn how to earn money in RDR 2 and what you can buy with it. How to earn money in Red Dead Redemption 2? Try to complete main missions on a regular basis. Not every main mission rewards you with money but there are some of them that will help you get ...
Guide: You need to catch 10 of 30 fish types. Fish at different locations for this (rivers, lakes, swamps) and try different bait and lures (which can be bought from the bait shop, seeRed Dead Redemption 2 How to Get Fishing Bait & Lures). You get the fishing rod automatically in ...
Opossums play opossum - they'll play dead when you're nearby to try and fool you. Different species of fish respond to different bait and/or lures. Experiment to find the right combination to bring in the best fish. See: How to Fish and How to Unlock Fishing and How to Catch Legendar...
Red Dead Redemption 2 hunting guide Red Dead Redemption 2 fishing guide: from small fry to deadliest catch Red Dead Redemption 2 Easter Egg guide: where to find the best kept secrets Red Dead Redemption 2 mini-game guide: how to win money at Poker, Blackjack, and Five Finger Fillet Red ...
Being the biggest game of its kind to date, there is much to do in Red Dead Redemption 2. While it will be impossible to cover just about everything here, we are going to share what we think are some of the more pointers that players should know ahead of
Pamphlet Location: Located inside the crates scattered on the ground to the South of Owanjila Dam. Also sold by Fences after Chapter 2. Potent Snake Oil Ingredients: Indian Tobacco x1 Effects: Fully replenishes Dead Eye. Special Snake Oil ...
As you ride on your mount,your horsegets terrified at the sight of a dead horse left by Night Folk Gang. This is one of the chance encounters to unlock “A Fine Night for It” Stranger Mission. Stalking Shadows A man tries to scare your horse while he’s crossing your route. Following...