Porridge seasoning, red fruit juice, fruit mask, making cakes and bread, moon cake fillings, children's nutrition food supplement, disease fluid, ice cream, jelly pudding, etc. ParaCrawl Corpus The programme treats 24 different types of stain – coffee, tea, fruit juice, collar stain, salad...
Harnessinglocal underused crops improvehousehold nutrition incomeopportunities Vietnam:case Hoavang sticky rice Redriver delta Hannah Jaenicke PhamCong Nghiep InternationalCentre UnderutilizedCrops, Colombo, Sri Lanka AgrarianSystems Research Development,Hanoi, Vietnam Paap pe er prre ep pa ar re ed thhe...
Information about Large Red Bell Peppers including applications, nutritional value, taste, seasons, availability, storage, restaurants, cooking, geography and history.
Harnessing local underused crops to improve household nutrition and income opportunities in Vietnam: case of Hoa vang sticky rice in Red river delta Hannah Jaenicke 1 , Dao The Anh 2 and Pham Cong Nghiep 2 1 International Centre for Underutilized Crops, Colombo, Sri Lanka ...
The juice was pressed, while using a juice extractor, and the automatic titrator was used (TitroLine 5000, Xylem Analytics Germany GmbH, Weilheim, Germany) to titrate it with NaOH solution (0.1 M) until obtaining the pH value of 8.1. Afterwards, the results were recalculated for malic acid ...