Wingsuit Flying Save Red Bull Aces 2016 Wingsuit POV: Andy Farrington 1:30 min Watch a wingsuit world-first through Tower Bridge 1:59 min Flying in the pyramids 2:35 min All the action from Sebastián Álvarez's volcano flight 2:11 min Sebastián Álvarez's volcano flight – POV footage...
Marco Waltenspiel and the Red Bull Skydive Team© Wolfgang Lienbacher/Red Bull Content Pool So what's happening? According to wingsuit pilot and photographer Wolfgang Lienbacher, the guys are testing a new suit that combines the features of a high-speed, high-glide performance suit (which are...
在线看Red Bull AirForce - Wingsuit Flying (Training.. 4分钟 9秒。2011 4月 3的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 2 — 已浏览。
[TSS]Behind the wheel of Red Bull Car Park Drift 上传者:冲浪视频汉化 04:08 [TSS]Behind the scenes of Nick Goepper's BIGGEST 上传者:冲浪视频汉化 01:32 [TSS]BASE proximity wingsuit flying through Italy 上传者:冲浪视频汉化 03:52 [TSS]BASE jumping off the Giant's Tooth ...
[TSS]Behind the wheel of Red Bull Car Park Drift 上传者:冲浪视频汉化 04:08 [TSS]Behind the scenes of Nick Goepper's BIGGEST 上传者:冲浪视频汉化 01:32 [TSS]BASE proximity wingsuit flying through Italy 上传者:冲浪视频汉化 03:52 [TSS]BASE jumping off the Giant's Tooth ...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的去职业红牛队-全故事-D YW4默尔钆镓石榴石4(GoPro - Red Bull Stratos - The Full Story-dYw4meRWGd4), 本站编号39945490, 该创意片库素材大小为202m, 时长为08分 17秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为RogerBoyX69,...
职业选手-马歇尔·米勒一生中最佳翼装飞行hR JcAFE64纳米级(GoPro - Best Wingsuit Flight of Marshall Miller"s Life-hRJcAFE64nM) 射门&赢得杜布罗夫尼克(SHOOT&WIN DUBROVNIK) 见见职业选手奥林巴斯的梦想家杰伊·迪克曼2(Meet the Pros Olympus Visionary Jay Dickman Part 2) ...
大哥们,知道“RED”是什么字体不? 这款字体是Huni_Stymie XBdCn BT, Ecliptica BT Serif W03 Regular, Ecliptica BT W01 Serif, Stymie Extra Bold Condensed BT, ☞SlabCompactJNL字体。 类似风格的字体太多了,肉眼不好辨别字体名称,软件识别出来相似度最高的是Eclip
Stephen ParkhurstJacob Shamsian
總是身穿飛鼠裝的空中冒險家杰布-科里斯(Jeb Corliss),身為Red Bull中國區的代言人,自從2011年在穿著這種無動力裝置的翼裝(Wingsuit)飛行張家界,穿越天門洞聲名大噪後,這次挑戰更困難的中國浙江的江郎山一線天(浙江一線天)! 在中國擁有「特技飛行大師」綽號的他,挑戰這個不可能任務,因為這個天然裂谷最窄處只有3.5公...