Get an insider’s look at how Red Bull has evolved elite sports, culture playgrounds and unique events. Discover what fuels innovation and achievement, all while capturing the world’s imagination.
VAN DEER-Red Bull Sports – the new generation skis for a new generation of skiers ► Premium handmade skis developed & approved by Marcel Hirscher
Red Bull Ring 12 September 2021 Spielberg, Austria Formula Racing Imola 25 July 2021 Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari, Italien Junior Formula Series 11 July 2021 Hungaroring, Mogyoród, Hungary Junior Formula Series TRS Toyota Racing Series NZL ...
Red Bull StudiosRed Bull Studios is Red Bull’s stand-alone film and tv studio.Red Bull Studios is Red Bull’s stand-alone film and tv studio. Film Production Terra Mater We capture when Life narrates. Terra Mater Studios is a leading production company renowned for creating high-quality, ...
不只是F1赛车,过去36年,奥地利Red Bull 用灵感无界的“银蓝罐”为全球范围800余名运动员持续添翼,助力每一个敢于突破的灵魂,激励每一个正在追寻梦想且无惧挑战的你,去突破属于自己的人生极限。 细数奥地利Red Bull 助力极限运动的案例中,如果说FI赛车代表着追逐速度之巅激情,那么冰雪运动就是美学与艺术结合。在滑...
2024RedBull BC ONE 世界总决赛 将于北京时间12月8日凌晨4:30 在巴西·里约热内卢举办 中国大陆地区选手 郭朴、莹子 中国台湾地区选手 李佳 官网已发布开票信息 截至2024年11月8日的选手信息如下: 一、B GIRL 外卡名单 B- 二、B BOY外卡名单 三、国家&地区赛B GIRL冠军名单 ...
Red Bull Levels series.(Sports)
Despite lacking a professional training background in her early years, this sports enthusiast was determined to be a professional diver and made her Red Bull cliff diving debut in Polignano a Mare in 2016. Following numerous dives, she now returns to Italy as a permanent diver of the Red ...
为让更多赛车文化爱好者体验赛车的魅力,奥地利Red Bull将风靡全球27个国家和地区的极速换胎挑战带到中国大陆,限时打造线上虚拟坯房,全流程模拟进站换胎作业。即日起关注奥地利Red Bull官方微信,点击菜单栏「城市坯房」,进入小程序开启「奥地利Red Bull极速换胎挑战」,挑战排行榜,冠军将赢得2023赛季日本站「添翼之旅」...
我们很高兴地宣布,在SPORTFIVE/拉加代尔体育的助力下,Red Bull奥地利红牛与T1电子竞技俱乐部宣布确立长期合作伙伴关系,覆盖T1旗下所有战队,包括“英雄联盟”、“无畏契约Valorant”、“堡垒之夜”、“任天堂明星大乱斗”、“绝地求生手游”等电竞项目。Red Bull奥地利红牛在电子竞技和游戏领域长年深耕,打造全球赛事IP,支持...