每年舉行的雷德布拉夫牛仔節(Red Bluff Bull and Gelding Sale)吸引了大量的牛仔和農場愛好者,這是一個體驗當地文化和傳統的絕佳機會。無論您是喜愛冒險的戶外愛好者,還是對歷史和文化感興趣的遊客,雷德布拉夫都能為您提供難忘的體驗。從最近機場前往雷德布拉夫-南雷丁區智選假日酒店的交通指南要...
对于喜欢汉堡的人,Bulldog Burger Company提供多种创意汉堡,绝对让您回味无穷。如果您想尝试当地的风味,不妨前往Christy's Hamburgers,品尝经典的美式汉堡。想要享受墨西哥风味的美食,Casa Bravo Mexican Restaurant是个不错的选择,色香味俱全的菜肴定会让您满意。此外,Bin 612和Beef 'O' Brady's Starkville也提供丰富...
對於喜愛漢堡的朋友,Bulldog Burger Company 是個理想的選擇,這裡的漢堡口味獨特,讓人一試成主顧。此外,Casa Bravo Mexican Restaurant 提供的正宗墨西哥料理,Chili's 的美式休閒餐飲,以及 China Garden Chinese Restaurant 的中式佳餚,都是您不...
Jelly Beans Restaurant132 米 Arby's288 米 Beartown Peaches and Cream312 米 Heavenly Cup Coffee Roasters195 米 Applebee's755 米 BAST Patisserie122 米 Taco Bell743 米 The Sit-N-Bull Pub1.74公里 Bob Evans2.51公里 Wendy's2.54公里 En en Chinese Buffet2.47公里 ...
Rhymers Tower Coffee Shop and Restaurant373 米 EARLSTON BLACK BULL INN177 米 The Ship Inn5.35公里 Greenhouse Cafe5.23公里 Marmion's Brasserie5.26公里 Old Melrose4.88公里 Apples for Jam5.32公里 Tempest Brew Co6.49公里 Martin Baird Butcher Ltd5.34公里 Marmions @ the wynd5.29公里 Cricket Club Cafe Me...
Jing Teng Restaurant Estilo Hong Kongis perhaps the most authentic Chinese restaurant in Mexico City. Located in the Viaducto Piedad area, it’s clearly not expensive and always interesting. El Morois all about churros, hot and cold chocolate, and coffee. ...
HONGKONG RED BULL FOOD LIMITED is a Hong Kong company. Registered in Yau Tsim Mong, located on the Yin Chong Street. The company's status is listed as 'Dissolved' now. You can browse the English name,Chinese Name, Name of History, Directors Information, registration number, date of establis...
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95. “Is it wrong for me to love my own? Is it wicked for me because my skin is red? Because I am Sioux? Because I wasbornwhere my father lived? Because I would die for my people and my country?”–Sitting Bull 96. “The only advice I can give to aspiring writers is don’t...
When I am in a restaurant in France I try to order dishes that are difficult to get in NYC. On this trip so far, I have enjoyed rabbit, gizzards, pigeon and bull. La Bastide Bleu –Sequret This is a very charming restaurant with outside dining in a courtyard of a farmhouse with ...