Red blood cell antibody elutions are often routinely performed whenever a positive direct antiglobulin test (DAT) is encountered. To evaluate the efficacy of performing routine red-cell elutions we reviewed our antibody elution data. Of 122 eluates, 83 were negative, 35 were warm panagglutinins,...
examples of oxidized RBC phagocytosis are shown in Supplementary Fig.6b, marked P. RBC-binding macrophages were defined as associated with at least one glycophorin-FITC/CTFR double-positive RBC. Analysis of HMDM phagocytosis included only the small, non-granular subset of macrophages, because of c...
We analyzed protein and RNA abundances (from MS and RNA-seq data) from RBCs, RBC precursor cells, other blood cell types (including WBCs, platelets, and reticulocytes), and serum (Figure 1A), with the derived likelihood score based solely on these measurements. As confirmed positive training...
A single recombinant immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) anti-RhD antibody (MonoRho) was compared with a currently used polyclonal anti-RhD product (Rhophylac) in a phase 1 study for safety, efficacy of Rhesus D (RhD)–positive red blood cell (RBC) clearance, and prevention of RhD immunization in...
Type and cross: to prepare for pure red blood cell transfusion Peripheral blood tests to determine the PRCA etiology include the following: Tests that help determine the presence of an autoimmune condition, such as antinuclear antibody, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, and rheumatoid arthritis antibod...
红细胞血型抗原简介Blood group antigens are surface markers on the red blood 2: Blood group antigens are surface markers on the red blood cell membrane
In these patients, antibody screening was carried out prior to cross-matching with a commercially available two-cell panel by the microcolum gel test, and samples with a positive screen were analyzed for the specificity of the alloantibody with a 16-cell identification panel. The incidence of ...
Spleen marginal zone (MZ) B cells are important for antibody responses against blood-borne antigens. The signals they use to detect exposure to blood are not well defined. Here, using intravital two-photon microscopy in mice, we observe transient contact
Di a antigen was determined on maternal, paternal, and infant's red cells by commercial reagent (Gamma Biologicals). Determination of RBC antibody specificities in maternal and child sera and in the child's RBC eluate showed 2+ positive reactions only with two Di a+ test RBCs. Father and ...
Recent research in artificial cell production holds promise for the development of delivery agents with therapeutic effects akin to real cells. To succeed in these applications, these systems need to survive the circulatory conditions. In this review we