The kernel-rt sources have been updated to use the latest Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel source tree. The real-time patch set has also been updated to the latest upstream version, v5.6.14-rt7. Both of these updates provide a number of bug fixes and enhancements. (BZ#1818138, BZ#18181...
grey box), luciferase ORF and cauliflower mosaic virus terminator (black box). Lower panel, Luciferase image ofNicotiana benthamianaleaves 72 h after infiltration with the Agrobacterial strains containing mpCaM:luc(left), and redTE:mp
Data analysis and visualisation were primarily conducted using Microsoft Excel version 16.70. Statistical tests and plots were performed using Excel Statistics (XLSTAT) with a significance level of p < 0.05. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was applied to all three time points to validate the normal dist...