As part of theT. castaneumgenome sequencing effort, we have characterized the beetle cys-loop LGIC superfamily which is the third insect superfamily to be described after those ofDrosophila melanogasterandApis mellifera, and also the largest consisting of 24 genes. As withDrosophilaandApis,Triboliump...
As part of theT. castaneumgenome sequencing effort, we have characterized the beetle cys-loop LGIC superfamily which is the third insect superfamily to be described after those ofDrosophila melanogasterandApis mellifera, and also the largest consisting of 24 genes. As withDrosophilaandApis,Triboliump...
Background Cell differentiation is mediated by synchronized waves of coordinated expression for hundreds to thousands of genes, and must be regulated to produce complex tissues and phenotypes. For many animal species, sexual selection has driven the development of elaborate male ornaments, requiring sex...