Red Milkweed Assassin Bugs (Zelus longipes)are seen as beneficial. They control pest populations in crops and gardens. This type of assassin bug feeds on the caterpillar of Fall Armyworm moths. 11. Stink Bugs There’s a long list of red stink bugs your garden, plantation, or plant can be...
And I had an elusive Black-capped Chickadee. They have been keeping a low profile lately but I expect to see them a lot as soon as the bugs and warblers arrive. I can’t resist being stared down by a Dark-eyed Junco. American Tree Sparrows were fewer in number than they have been ...
California Lady Beetles are among the most common species with red elytra and a black cephalothorax. The upper side of the body also has white spots, just as on the Spotless Lady Beetle. This species might be small, red, and friendly-looking, but it’s a predator. These red beetles fee...