Find out more about Plastic in ourTop 10 Facts about Plastic. 3. In the UK we throw away enough cans each year they could reach the moon three times. 13 billion cans are thrown out every year. If we stacked them on top of each other you could make 3 piles of cans that would reach...
Plastic is versatile and allows us to make lots of different stuff such as toys, play stations, clothing and packaging to help our food last longer. Plastic is all around us and it can be made into a variety of different shapes and colours. 2.HOW TO RECYCLE PLASTIC RIGHT Some plastics a...
However, while recycling plastic bags has, historically been problematic, it’s not impossible, and until we witness worldwide decline in production and usage, there’s likely to be plenty of demand for services dedicated to dealing with these products – especially in light of COVID-19 and th...
How much do we really recycle? We’re taking a closer look at some surprising recycling facts and recycling statistics. Click to learn more.
Facing the facts about plastic recycling Canadian PlasticsStephen, Mark
Facts about ChemCycling® Our Ccycled®product portfolio contributes to customer solutions for a circular economy In ChemCycling®, BASF uses recycled feedstock derived from plastic waste for our broad Ccycled®product portfolio. The recycled feedstock is attributed to the certified Ccycled®pr...
Recycling Facts(美国垃圾现状)How much do Americans throw away?•Americans represent 5% of the world’s population, but generate 30% of the world’s garbage.•In the U.S. industry moves, mines, extracts, shovels, burns, wastes, pumps and disposes of 4 million pounds of material in order...
NWRA issues white paper dispelling myths about recycling plastics The goal of the white paper is to explain issues facing the waste and recycling industry with facts, says the NWRA. January 11 2023 UAE bans single-use plastic bags from 2024 It will ban plastic products including cutlery,...
Secondaryaluminum reprocessingis a large industry, involving the recycling of machine turnings, rejected castings, siding, and even aluminum covered with decorativeplastic. The items are thrown into areverberatory furnace(in which heat is radiated from the roof into the material treated) and melted wh...
Material properties, processability, food grade quality: you can find all kinds of interesting facts about the use of recycled PET in our free white paper. The facts: everything you need to know about rPETPlastics are not all the same But PET is only one of many plastic materials. Depending...