“These facilities, like the one we have in New Jersey, will receive the garbage and burn it at high temps to generate steam or electricity,” says Doherty. “The waste energy generates electricity and you don’t have to landfill it, but some areas don’t want to accept these facilities....
Waste Disposal Get rid of your waste with our disposal services. We provide landfill services, garbage disposal service, and commercial waste disposal services. Transfer Station Waste Reduction & Recycling operates the only licensed and permitted transfer station in Luzerne & Lackawanna Counties. Don’t...
The Aqua Regia method sucks and dissolves all sorts of other metals as well. 1 lb of cut fingers from boards will get you about a gram of gold, so unless you are scavenging them yourself, the prices on eBay are more expensive than the gold you will recover. However if you do come ac...