For example, recycling clean, used aluminum foil can add a shiny allure to your gift. If you have empty glass pasta sauce or pickle jars, peel the labels off and wash the inside and the lid thoroughly. You can then decorate the outside of the jar with paint, ribbon or tissue paper ...
Denim can be used as a raw material by many other organizations as well. Two possible choices are below. The options available near you may vary.[8] Local art programs can use denim for rags, craft materials, and paint applicators. House-building charities (Habitat for Humanity, etc.) ...
Purchasing and using less items. For example, bringing our own carrier bags when we go shopping can help to reduce the number of plastic bags used! Passing on leftovers to someone who needs it. Let’s say that you bought too much paint. Once you’re done with your pai...
One of the main uses for recycled rubber is in the creation of rubber mulch, such as the kind used on children’s playgrounds. If there’s a business that produces rubber mulch near you, call or look on their website to find out how you can donate your old tires.[3] To find busi...
After an hour, pour the used vinegar down the drain and rinse the vinegar away with water to dissipate any residual smell. 7 Wash the bottle with dish detergent for 5 minutes. Fill your sink with hot water deep enough to cover your perfume bottle. While it fills, add a few drops of ...