Green Action Centre offers a Master Composter Program Green Action Centre also focuses on changing consumer behaviours. Reducing the amount of waste by informing consumers about their options, the strength of their voice and the benefits of voting with their dollars is an important priority for us...
4.Make a poster and try to share the poster with family and friends. 二、教学重难点 Focus of the lesson: 1.Understanding what can we reuse and recycle and how can we reuse and recycle them; 2.Expressing and sharing the ideas by using the sentences; We should/ shouldn’t…We can reuse...
2.Expressingandsharingtheideasbyusingthesentences; Weshould/shouldn’t…Wecanreuse…to…Wecanrecycle… Thissignmeans…I’mgoingto… Predictedareaofdifficulty: 1.Knowthedifferencesof“reduce”,“reuse”and“recycle”; 2.Talkingabouttheirposter.
Regardless of where your expenses come from, shop for providers/suppliers that are willing to accept credit cards as payment, and negotiate this upfront. Here’s one approach: “Rather than trying to negotiate you down on pricing [only after you’ve negotiated up what they offer you for the...