You might not realize that even if these don't work, old electronic scrap can be turned into cash via buy-back and trade-in programs or by turning them into something useful. This article will delve into more detail on ways to recycle computer parts for money. Some large electronics compan...
Like bags of batteries and Styrofoam waste, it’s no surprise most people don’t know where you can recycle old computers, broken printers, and outdated PC monitors. Are you looking to get rid of an old computer - or several? Here is the why, where, and how of recycling e-waste. Why...
For example, older CRT monitors are sometimes made with leaded glass. There’s also lead in some older computer batteries and in computers’ soldered connections. Beaudoin warns, “Even though circuit-board patterns are appealing, they may be better-suited as wall art than jewelry, since ...
To solve this, a number of states have made it illegal to throw certain electronics in the trash. For example,New York City’s Guidelines for Electronic Disposalimposes a fine on anyone who throws their televisions, computer peripherals, monitors, and other e-waste in the trash. To find out...
, gaming consoles, computer monitors and displays, assorted media and mp3 players, and even smart watches. and the great news is that if you're looking for a modern upgrade to any of the above device types that you're ready to party with, lenovo offers excellent alternatives to them all....
Best Buy charges $25 to recycle a TV or old computer monitors. This is mainly down to the significant costs involved in properly dealing with the toxic materials used in the glass tubes. Can you get money for old TVs? Yes, you can get money for old TVs as long as they are still in...
Old laptops, monitors, tablets, and other electronics can be sold through sites like Decluttr. But wait, there’s more! They also take dvds, cds, books, games, and cell phones. Decluttr has an app you can download to make selling easier. ...
As of 2017,25 U.S. states require youto recycle some forms of electronics. Of those, 17 havebanned them from landfills. While in many cases the laws cover only computer monitors (which would not include smartphone screens), the good news is that every time a new law is passed, recyclin...
Local e-waste collection events are another solid option. Cities and businesses host e-waste events frequently and they make it easy to dispose of electronics like computer monitors, televisions, shredders and of course, printers. Drop your printer off at a local office supply store ...
However, you’ll have to pay them a small amount for the service. If you don’t want to spend money, you can always drop off the printer at your convenience.4. Donate The PrinterLike the rest of your old goodies, you can also donate your printer to a goodwill or charity foundation....