Hazardous Waste有害垃圾 Recyclable Waste可回收垃圾 Household Food Waste湿垃圾(厨余垃圾) Residual Waste干垃圾 这里注意下关于垃圾的不同说法:garbage, rubbish, trash以及waste。Garbage和trash是垃圾的美式英语说法;rubbish是英式英语说法。Waste则是正式用语,指没有利用价值的东西。 分析完标题,再来看引文: Shanghai...
Fairfax Finding Ways to Recycle Household Hazardous Waste (Posted 2016-01-27 17:11:39) ; Initiative Saves the County Money on Transport and Disposal, and Keeps Substances out of the EnvironmentBarnes, Jim
Household Hazardous Waste Our Facilities EcoDrop Utica & EcoDrop Rome Household Hazardous Waste Information Household Hazardous Waste House Hazardous Waste FAQ Special Programs Electronics Recycling Fluorescent Bulbs Paints / Chemicals / Pesticides / Herbicides Helpful Resources Request A Speaker Illegal Dumpi...
Hazardous waste refers to materials that pose a substantial threat to human health, the environment, or both due to their inherent toxic, flammable, corrosive, or reactive nature. These substances can come from various sources, including industrial processes, manufacturing, healthcare facilities, and ...
The Regional Recycling District operates five Green Station drop-off collection centers in Pulaski County for special recyclables, including old electronics, glass, plastic grocery bags, household hazardous waste, and household batteries. The Green Stations are in Little Rock, North Little Rock, Sherwoo...
Household trash has occupied the minds of Shanghai residents this week: specifically, are the contents of their bins "wet", "dry", "hazardous" or "recyclable"? Residents of the city, one of the world's biggest with about 23 million people, must 1 their trash according to those labels ...
Under the new regulation, residents are required to classify household waste into four categories: kitchen, recyclable, hazardous and other waste. People who fail to sort their garbage properly can be fined from 50 to 200 yuan, reported Xinhua.可知自5月1日起,北京开始实施强制垃圾分类,以更好地...
recycled, and instead can be thrown away with household trash. Others, such as lithium ion or rechargeable batteries need to be more carefully recycled by bringing them to battery recycling centers, retailers with battery takeback services or one of your local household hazardous waste collection ...
cooking oildown the drain orgarbage disposal, instead storing it correctly and taking it to the appropriaterecycling servicesso that it can be reused in the right way.Waste cooking oilshould be treated in the same way as any otherhousehold hazardous waste– with the care and respect it ...
Safe Waste Disposal & Treatment Methods Great Pacific Garbage Patch | Origin, Effects & Cleaning Efforts Hazardous Waste Lesson Plan Hazardous Waste Regulations What are Hazardous Material Spills? Landfill Leachate Definition, Collection System & Examples Nuclear Waste Lesson for Kids: Definition & Facts...