M. ; Walter, U.: VASP interaction with vinculin: a recurring theme of interactions with proline-rich motifs. In: FEBS Letters 399 (1996), Nr. 1-2, S. 103-107Reinhard, M., M. Rudiger, B. M. Jockusch, and U. Walter. 1996. VASP interaction with vinculin: a recurring theme of ...
Donnie has written in to explain that in “5 O’Clock Charlie,” Henry does not refer to Ginger as Richardson, he is asking her for aRichardson retractor, a surgical instrument that comes in two different sizes. Because Henry doesn’t specify the size he wants, Ginger asks “Big or little?
but regularly ended up simply making fun of how ridiculous the teenage goth phase really can be. Subtle elements (like the use of Bauhaus’ “Bela Lugosi
16.Click the TV Theme 17.TV Shows by Decade 18.Based on the TV Show 19.Television Almosts 20.That's My Favorite Episode! 21.Channel Surfing 22.TV Show by Theme Lyric 23.Classic TV Character Trademarks 24.Trading Places: Television 25.Breaking Bad: Dead or Alive? 26.'Lost'...