n trial (c) the occurrence of one or more events in n trials To solve for the above probabilities a transformation is made of the general problem stated to the simpler problem of finding the corresponding probabilities for a set of states defined over an s state, first-order Markov chain....
The main objective of this paper is to establish bootstrap uniform functionalcentral limit theorem for Harris recurrent Markov chains over uniformly boundedclasses of functions. We show that the result can be generalized also to theunbou... G Ciolek - 《Electronic Journal of Statistics》 被引量:...
You can use the code in the following resource, under the “Functions” tab, to simulate continuous-time Markov chains: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/79649-simulate-continuous-time-markov-chains Also, the same problem has been e...
A technique is presented, which enables the state space of a Harris recurrent Markov chain to be “split” in a way, which introduces into the split state space an “atom”. Hence the full force of renewal theory can be used in the analysis of Markov chains on a general state space. ...
(c) Theorems (5.8) and (5.9) which are uniform S L L N and uniform CLT respectively for some classes of Harris recurrent Markov chains. Here we apply the results that we got in the regenerative case but the application is not com- pletely straight forward since there is some dependence...
In fact, this is not too dissimilar to the forward and backward recursions in the dynamic programing of hidden Markov models. The main distinction is that in the previous case these equations had a specific statistical meaning. Now they are devoid of such easily acces...
A recurrent spiking neural network is proposed that implements planning as probabilistic inference for finite and infinite horizon tasks. The architecture splits this problem into two parts: The stochastic transient firing of the network embodies the dyn
The rate of convergence in Orey's theorem for Harris recurrent Markov chains with applications to renewal theory. Stochastic Process. Appl., 15(3):295-311, 1983.E. Nummelin, P. Tuominen, The rate of convergence in Oreys theorem for Harris recurrent Markov chains with applications to renewal...
Bootstrapping Harris Recurrent Markov Chainsdoi:10.1007/978-3-319-96941-1_25Gabriela CioekUniversité Paris-SaclaySpringer, Cham
Bayesian analysis of elapsed times in continuous- time markov chains. Canadian Journal of Statistics-Revue Canadienne De Statistique. 2008;36(3):355–68. 54. Bielejec F, Rambaut A, Suchard MA, Lemey P. SPREAD: spatial phylogenetic reconstruction of evolutionary dynamics. Bioinformatics. 2011;27(...