rectum, and anus. Because of the breadth of material covered, this chapter is neither all inclusive nor in depth. For more extensive review, the reader is directed to the reference section at the back of the chapter. However, it is our hope that through...
Function after ileal pouch and stapled pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis. Br J Surg 1989;76:1168–71. PubMed Google Scholar Choen S, Tsunoda A, Nicholls RJ. Prospective randomized trial comparing anal function after hand sewn ileoanal anastomosis with mucosectomyversus stapled ileo...
KidneyWhat is the function of the following? the Greater omentum, body of the stomach, Anal Canal and anus, Cystic duct of the Gallbladder,parotid gland, Sublingual gland, submandibular gland, mucous producing cells, , tunics of the Du...
Therefore, what is needed to improve continence is a technology that can influence the ability of the anus to seal better in the resting state while not interfering with the distention function of the sphincter during defecation. Present treatment approaches for restoring fecal continence include non...