Colorectal anatomy includes the area from the ileocecal valve to the anus. Parts of the colon are cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum. A major part of the transverse and sigmoid colon is intraperitoneal. The blood perfusion of colon is supplied...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook anorectum [a″no-rek´tum] the distal portion of the digestive tract, including the entire anal canal and the distal 2 cm of the rectum. adj.,adjanorec´tal. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Editio...
Colon,Anus,Rectum Randomanimal/humanevacuatingRandomanimal/humanevacuating bowelsbowels EmbryologyandAnatomyEmbryologyandAnatomy EmbryologyEmbryology StartsthefourthweekofgestationStartsthefourthweekofgestation derivedfromtheendodermderivedfromtheendoderm threesegments:foregut,midgut,andhindgutthreesegments:foregut,midgut,and...
Shafik A. New concept of the anatomy of the anal sphincter mechanism and the physiology of defecation. II. Anatomy of the levator ani muscle with special reference to puborectalis. Invest Urol 1975; 13 (3): 175–182. CASPubMedGoogle Scholar Goligher JC. The surgical anatomy of the anal...
(Anatomy) the lower part of the alimentary canal, between the sigmoid flexure of the colon and the anus [C16: shortened from New Latinrectum intestinumthe straight intestine] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, ...
Diseases of the Anus and Rectum 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 52 作者: JG Gilchrist 摘要: Part I deals with the anatomy, general diagnosis, abscess, fistula, fissure and hemorrhoids. The subjects are, in general, very well handled. In the treatment of hemorrhoids preference is...
Diseases of the Anus and Rectum Part I deals with the anatomy, general diagnosis, abscess, fistula, fissure and hemorrhoids. The subjects are, in general, very well handled. In the treatment of hemorrhoids preference is given to the operation by ligature to the exclusi... JG Gilchrist - 《...
Mid-anal sphincteric malformation, cause of constipation in anterior perineal anus Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Volume 19, Issue 2, April 1984, Pages 183–186 Original Research Article PDF (989 K) Variations in the gross anatomy of the stellate and lumbar sympathetic ganglia 1935, The American ...
Knowledge of the embryologic origins of the gastrointestinal tract is useful for the understanding of the anatomic relationships and surgical tissue planes used in abdominal surgery. The colon begins in the right lower quadrant where the terminal ileum e
Anatomy of the anal sphincters: comparison of anal endosonography to magnetic resonance imaging. Dis Colon Rectum 1994;37:777–81. Google Scholar Sultan AH, Kamm MA, Hudson CN, Bartram CI. Effect of pregnancy on anal sphincter morphology and function. Int J Colorectal Dis 1993;8:206–9. ...