瑞克特瑞学校的夏校分为Summer@Rectory(寄宿与走读并行)和Day Camp at Rectory(日间营,纯走读)。其中,Summer@Rectory共分两期,每期两周。学生可选择寄宿,也可以选择走读。适合年龄Summer@Rectory9-14岁 Day Camp at Rectory 3-12岁 所在地点学校位于康涅狄格州的Pomfret,与著名的Pomfret School为邻。从学校前往波士顿...
瑞克特瑞学校的夏校分为Summer@Rectory(寄宿与走读并行)和Day Camp at Rectory(日间营,纯走读)。其中,Summer@Rectory共分两期,每期两周。学生可选择寄宿,也可以选择走读。 适合年龄 Summer@Rectory 9-14岁 Day Camp at Rectory 3-12岁 所在地点 学校位于康涅狄格州的Pomfret,与著名的Pomfret School为邻。从学校前...
Stored items are delivered back to the student’s dorm room Items can be securely shipped to any domestic or international location We make the move out process easy for students and parents Register Today! Click herefor online registration ...
Rectory School 瑞克特锐高中;王同学;张同学 Rectory Hall 莱克托里厅酒店 rectory name 目录名 Rectory Farm 教区农场酒店 The Old Rectory 圣乔治故居;卫斯理故居;老教长宅邸;旧教区长住所 The Old Rectory Hotel 老教区酒店 Rectory School Summer Program 瑞克特瑞中学暑期课程 The e Rectory School 寄宿 返回recto...
5583 The Indian in the Cupboard by:小桥流水2015 4455 The indian in the cupboard by:一只哆啦咪 386 William Trowbridge American Indian Fairy Tales by:ShawnMom 131 Old Indian's Never Die-Skeets McDonald by:小众style 415 Indian Summer-Rich Jones & Danimal Chopper ...
I do not have any records from St. Ann School. I suggest you call the St. Ann Rectory. I believe they have all of the employment records. 收到你的来信非常好的! 我在您的节目在头脑里确定地将保留为表现…声音美妙! 我没有任何纪录从St. 安学校。 我建议您叫St. 安神父寓所。 我相信他们有...
导读:The Rectory School瑞克特瑞中学建于1920年,是康州百年历史的寄宿初中,地理位置优越,距离波士顿哈佛大学开车只有1个半小时,环境优美,设施一流,学校老师们非常有爱心。学校位于美国康涅狄格州的一个风景秀丽的乡村,离康州首府哈特福特42英里(0.75小时车程),离罗德岛州的普罗维登斯35英里,离波斯顿80英里(1.25小时车程...
Above a three bay open garage and stores is an annexe/groom's The latest addition is a covered riding school which, explained John, enabled his children to continue their riding even during the winter and play host to Pony Club training events."It is ideal because even if the weather is ...
Summerland, Monkstown, Co. CorkIt's no surprise that this fine twostorey over-basement home was originally built as a rectory and is one of a number of beautiful Victorian villa-style houses standing in their own grounds along the seafront overlooking Monkstown bay.The views from this 3,250...