I have sourced apparently the right rectifier / regulator for the bike, but when I look at the photo of the unit it has 2 yellow wires, 1 red, 1 black and 1 brown. Everything matches the wiring diagram I have except for the brown... Does anyone know if I can use this part (see...
Can I use a GS Voltage Regulator on the Classic? GS VR - The Size of it GS VR - The GS Wiring: ThisDiagramLOOKS incorrect, as least as far as wire colors go, compared to what is ACTUALLY observed on the bike. The schematic only shows 3 yellow (alternator), 2 brown (ground) and...
Figure 7. Basic diagram of UC3854B control. Parameter A is the synchronism signal, that is, a rectified sinusoid signal from the input voltage, and defines the shape, frequency, and phase of that reference signal transformed into a current signal. Parameter B is the voltage regulator error ...