A rectangular patch antenna with two circular apertures, a defected ground structure (DGS), and a shorting post is proposed in this paper. The novel structure can reduce the radar cross section (RCS) of the antenna at its operating frequency. At the same time, the return loss of the ...
A low-profile rectangular-shaped patch antenna with three shorting pins is presented. The impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna achieves 33% (SWR < 2) while the overall thickness of the antenna is only 0.06λ0. The antenna has two close resonant bands. The lower resonant band has a ...
A low-profile rectangular-shaped patch antenna with three shorting pins is presented. The impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna achieves 33% (SWR < 2) while the overall thickness of the antenna is only 0.06λ0. The antenna has two close resonant bands. The lower resonant band has a ...
The simulated results such as gain, radiation efficiency and 10dB impedance bandwidth of rectangular microstrip patch antenna at THz frequencies without shorting post configuration are 3.497dB, 55.71% and 17.76%, respectively, whereas with shorting post configuration, corresponding parameters are 3.502dB, ...
rectangular patch antenna resonant frequency impedance shorting post FEMNumericalAnalysisofaTunableRectangularPatchAntennawithOneTuningPostLiuYunlin(刘运林)YangRugui(杨儒贵)RenLang(任朗)InstituteofElectrom...刘运林杨儒贵任朗现代交通学报:英文版
The compact antennas are required in personal wireless communication applications where antenna size needs to be kept a minimum. Of the many techniques reported for realizing compact antenna, shorting post method is more preferred due to greater amount of compactness realized at a given operating ...
rectangularPATCHantennaRESONANTfrequencyIMPEDANCEshortingPOSTFEMNumericalAnalysisofaTunableRectangularPatchAntennawithOneTuningPostLiuYunlin(刘运林)YangRugui(杨儒贵)RenLang(任朗)InstituteofElectrom...刘运林杨儒贵任朗Railway Engineering Science
Design of Rectangular Microstrip patch Antenna Using Shorting MethodVaddi Sridhar sahuP vvssd manikiranCh v Ravi SankarJETIR(www.jetir.org)
Choukiker [8] proposed Design and Optimization of Dual Band Micro Strip Antenna using Practical the return loss for dual band Frequency at 2.4GHz is -43.95dB and at 3.08GHz is -27.4dB. K F Lee =-=[3]-=- proposed U Shape slot shorting post small size Microstrip Antenna and increase ...
A microstrip patch antenna (MPA) with four resonance frequencies is presented. The size of the proposed antenna is reduced using shorting wall and window techniques. The effect of window areas on the shorted antenna parameters has been studied. A planar triple-frequency developed to quad-frequency...