Experts say there isn’t currently enough legal marijuana in Canada to meet consumer demand. But before... Legal Legalization Foe Claims Medical Marijuana Leads to Fentanyl By Chris RobertsOctober 1, 2018 Reports of fentanyl-laced marijuana have largely been debunked, but the head of one of Am...
Despite the pandemic medical marijuana is still on track in Missouri.“The coronavirus pandemic hit just about the time the new multi-million dollar medical marijuana industry was trying to get off ground in Missouri. More than 300 cultivators, manufacturers and dispensaries were all awarded licenses...
and referred to marijuana cigarettes as goof-butts and giggle-smokes. According to theOxford English Dictionary, use of the word “marijuana” (also written as “marihuana” in older references) came to popularity in the United States in the 1930s as an alternative to the more familiar terms ...
Approximately 35 million Americans usemarijuanaeach month, making it the most popular street drug in the country. Twenty-four states -- Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexic...
A February 2023 poll by the University of Houston found that 82% of Texans support the Legislature passing a bill that would allow people to use marijuana for a wide range of medical purposes with a prescription. The belief that cannabis is a “gateway drug” that would make people more lik...
2024, recreational marijuana is legal in 24 states, or nearly half the country, according to thePew Research Center.The states where recreational weed is legal are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,Illinois,Maine,Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, ...
With just over a week to go in this year's Minnesota State Legislative session, there is still work to be done for supporters of legalizing recreational marijuana.
Maryland Lawmakers Finalizing Guidelines For Sale Of Recreational Marijuana Lawmakers are rushing through and passing as much legislation as they can. Monday marks Sine Die Day, the 90th and final day of the 2023 legislative session. One of the year’s big items: setting up the state’s ...
With just over a week to go in this year's Minnesota State Legislative session, there is still work to be done for supporters of legalizing recreational marijuana.
The group said the effort is being supported by the same backers who helped pass the medical marijuana constitutional amendment in 2018. To get on the ballot, the proposal must get 160,199 verified signatures that must be turned into the Missouri Secretary of State's office by May 3. ...