“recovery using the backup controlfile option”是指在Oracle数据库中,当控制文件(control file)损坏或丢失时,利用备份的控制文件(backup control file)进行数据库恢复的过程。下面,我将根据提供的Tips,分点详细解释这一过程: 理解“recovery using the backup controlfile option”的含义: 当数据库的控制文件损坏...
ORA-01610: recovery using the BACKUP CONTROLFILE option must be done Am trying to recover a database after a controlfile lost and restored from the backup. But How does Oracle knows that we are using a backup control file where does it look after to ...
SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace as '/home/oracle/controlfile.sql' reuse; Database altered. 干净关闭数据库并破坏所有控制文件 SQL> shutdown immediate; mv /database/oradata/skyread/control01.ctl /database/oradata/skyread/control01.ctl.bak mv /database/oradata/skyread/control0...
SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace as '/home/oracle/controlfile.sql' reuse; Database altered. 干净关闭数据库并破坏所有控制文件 SQL> shutdown immediate; mv /database/oradata/skyread/control01.ctl /database/oradata/skyread/control01.ctl.bak mv /database/oradata/skyread/control0...
Open the database. For example: ALTER DATABASE OPEN; If you use an Oracle Real Application Clusters configuration, and if you are performing incomplete recovery or using a backup control file, then Oracle can only compute the name of the first archived redo log file from the first redo thr...
" ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE; " and if you have not added any tablespace since then, just create the controlfile by executing the saved statementBuf If you have added any new tablespace after generating create controlfile statement. Then you have to alter the script and ...
Dear Team, I am getting below error while starting the database.I have entered recover database using backup controlfile; and i have applied RDEDO01.LOG and don't have archive log and backup also. BELOW ERRORS SHOWING. ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors ...
You must restore a backup control file and then open the database with theRESETLOGSoption. If you do not have a backup, then you can attempt to re-create the control file. If possible, use the script included in theALTERDATABASEBACKUPCONTROLFILETOTRACEoutput. Additional work may be required ...
4、关于控制文件的control_file_record_keep_time参数: This parameter specify the minimum days the RMAN information is stored in the control file before overwritten. The default value is 7 days. When using catalog, a smaller value should be chosen. ...
Use the RMAN command CATALOG RECOVERY AREA to re-catalog any such files. If files cannot be cataloged, then manually delete them using OS command. One of the following events caused this: 1. A backup controlfile was restored. 2. A standby controlfile was restored. 3. The controlfile was...