Recovery time objective (RTO) is the amount of time a business has to restore its operations to an acceptable level after a disaster in order to avoid continued business interruptions and intolerable data loss. The RTO is determined by the extent to which an interruption disrupts normal operations...
RTO 指的是灾难发生后,系统恢复正常服务所需要的时间。在最理想的情况下,RTO为零,即灾难发生后系统...
Recovery Time Objective(RTO) is the maximum tolerable amount of time a computer, system, network, or application can be [...] 恢復時間目標(RTO)是電腦、系統、網路或應用程式在故障或災難後最大可容忍的停機時間。 ...
简介:恢复时间目标(RTO, Recovery Time Objective)缩短 恢复时间目标(RTO, Recovery Time Objective)缩短是指企业在制定或改进灾难恢复计划时,设定了一个比原来更短的时间窗口来恢复关键业务功能或IT系统至正常运行状态。这意味着企业提高了对业务连续性要求的标准,期望在发生故障、中断或其他灾难事件后能够更快地恢复服...
However, a Recovery Time Objective/Recovery Point Objective of less than 12 hours was estimated to cost nearly twice the amount in the current proposal based on telecommunication and hardware costs. 但是,据估算,小于12小时的恢复时间目标/恢复点目标在电信和硬件方面的成本要比目前提议中的数额几乎高出...
Recovery time objective (RTO) is the maximum desired length of time allowed between an unexpected failure or disaster and the resumption of normal operations and service levels. The RTO defines the point in time after a failure or disaster at which the consequences of the interruption become unacc...
Recovery Time Objectiveor "RTO" has the meaning set forth in Exhibit 13. Sample 1Sample 2 Recovery Time Objectiveor “RTO” means the maximumlength of timethat the Eligible Service(s) can be down after aService Outageoccurs. Sample 1Sample 2 ...
Consider operational dependencies. Evaluate any dependencies between systems. Some systems may be interlinked, meaning downtime in one could cause cascading effects on others. This needs to be factored into the RTO calculation to ensure recovery efforts address all critical components together. ...
恢复点时间(Recovery Time Objective,RTO)的值比最长允许中断时间(Maximum Tolerable Downtime,MTD)小,因为MTD值表示的时间意味着,如果公司在这个时间之后仍无法恢复重要的经营活动,将对公司的名声或底线带来重大、甚至是无法挽回的伤害。RTO假定存在一段可接受的停机时间。这意味着如果公司可以在一段时间内(RTO)无法...
恢复时间目标(Recovery Time Objective,RTO)和恢复点目标(Recovery Point Objective,RPO)是业务连续性和灾难恢复工作中的两个重要指标,随着信息系统越来越重要和信息技术越来越先进,这两个指标的数值越来越小,小华准备为其工作的信息系统拟定RTO和RPO指标,则以下描述中,正确的是:() A. RTO可以为0,RPO也可以为0 B...