BRMS can also perform some daily maintenance activities that are related to your backup routine. In addition to these backup and recovery functions, BRMS can support and manage an unlimited number of media, shared tape devices, automated tape libraries, virtual tape devices, and optical devices. ...
financial pressures, or work-related stress, these situations can create an overwhelming urge to escape through substance use. Learning stress management techniques is critical in your recovery toolkit.
The fast recovery area is a unified storage location for all recovery related files and activities in an Oracle database. All files that are needed to completely recover a database from a media failure are part of the fast recovery area. The recovery related files that can be created in the...
Today, Microsoft Purview doesn't support automated BCDR. Until that support is added, you're responsible to take care of backup and restore activities. You can manually create a secondary Microsoft Purview account as a warm standby instance in another region....
The concept of ‘giving something back’ was evident throughout interviews. Participants were often engaging in drugs related voluntary activities (work visiting schools was often indicated), were already or intended to get involved in formal peer support by completing peer mentoring courses or had an...
Today, Microsoft Purview doesn't support automated BCDR. Until that support is added, you're responsible to take care of backup and restore activities. You can manually create a secondary Microsoft Purview account as a warm standby instance in another region....
Daily recovery from work-related effort during non-work time. In: Sonnetag S, Perrewe PL, Ganster DC, editors. Recovery From Job Stress (Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited; 2009.
Over 1,000 mi of river (596 mi in the Poudre, 427 mi in the Big Thompson), are in the Cameron Peak burn perimeter, putting multiple river-related values at significant risk. Debris flows, flash flooding, washed out roads and a black Poudre River has been a common scene within the Poud...
For those looking for a slightly less intense recovery activity, coloring books, puzzles and other activities related to imaginative play can also be beneficial. Exploring creative processes can lead to a sense of relief and even help individuals reconnect with their own interests and gifts. By eng...
To deal with any cases of PTSD, professional counselling should be available through the library’s employee assistance programme (EAP). While PTSD sufferers can benefit from ‘rap and wrap’ sessions and related activities at the library, they should consult professionals who have the requisite tr...