a more informal tone for yourget well soon cardis perfect. If it’s a coworker, you’ll want the wording to be professional yet sincere. In general, you want your message to include positive thoughts.
For a dad who enjoys silly puns, include the funniest joke you can think of, a coworker that always knows what to say will appreciate an inspirational quote alongside a personal “Feel better soon, we miss you!” message and signatures from their whole team. Keep the person you’re writin...
The second assumption underlying this definition is that the benefits of workplace supported recovery efforts accrue to more than the affected employees. Coworkers, employers, families, and the communities where employees with SUDs live also may benefit. Moreover, for workplaces and organizations, red...
He ended up texting me a few days after saying that the girl was a coworker. (he didn’t know I saw them holding hands, plus I knew she didn’t work with him. It was a huge lie. I message him, not out of anger, that I knew he was lying and that he needs to stop if he...