Brain magnetic resonance imaging confirmed a right CPA meningioma, and he had tumor resection through the retrosigmoid route using meticulous microsurgical technique with vestibulocochlear nerve preservation, facial nerve monitoring, and intraoperative video angiography. He had restoration of h...
Olfactory groove meningioma with a 10-year history of smell loss and olfactory recovery after surgery Case reportdoi:10.1136/bcr-2021-244145Andreas NiklassenRasmus Langelund JorgensenAlexander Fjaeldstad
were Pathology (1) = cavernoma; (2) = astrocytoma; (3) = meningioma; (4) = pituitary macroadenoma; (5) = arachnoid cyst. The influence of time elapsed from surgery on the temporalis muscle, capsular ligaments of the TMJ and types of food chewed without pain were analyzed. The Yes/No...