It is also clear that less easily documented and verifiable recovery from long-term ischaemia may occur in neurosurgery and in interesting case suggestive of this is presented. It involved a middle cerebral occlusion which occurred during the excision of a large meningioma....
And in June of that year, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor — a meningioma the size of a lemon, which upon surgery was found to be benign. Just over two years on from her surgery to remove the tumor, Walsh is fully recovered and working as hard as ever — but as y...
The rats were placed individually on open fields and allowed to move freely for 5 min. All of the rats were evaluated every 2 days from day 0 to day 14 following the surgical procedure. A footprint analysis was performed by dipping the animal's hindpaws in dye35. All of the rats ...
Brain magnetic resonance imaging confirmed a right CPA meningioma, and he had tumor resection through the retrosigmoid route using meticulous microsurgical technique with vestibulocochlear nerve preservation, facial nerve monitoring, and intraoperative video angiography. He had restoration of he...