Cerebral air embolism complicating percutaneous thin-needle biopsy of the lung: complete neurological recovery after hyperbaric oxygen therapy. J Anesth. 2001;15(4):233-6.Ohashi, S., et al., Cerebral air embolism complicating percutaneous thin-needle biopsy of the lung: complete neurological ...
This is similar to the percutaneous liver biopsy but involves plugging the needle tract with a gel or coils after the tissue sample is taken. Your doctor may recommend this if you have a high risk of bleeding. Laparoscopic liver biopsy ...
Systemic air embolism during percutaneous core needle biopsy of the lung: frequency and risk factors Detection of risk factors for an air embolism in the left atrium, left ventricle, or systemic circulation (systemic air embolism, SAE) during a percutaneou... MC Freund,J Petersen,KC Goder,.....
Trauma also can come from diagnostic or therapeutic medical procedures that can result in a punctured lung such as needle aspiration of fluid from the pleural space, a lung biopsy, or insertion of a large IV catheter into a vein near the neck. Disease-related pneumothorax Disease-related pneumot...
Number of chest tubes and timing of removal after lung surgery A traditional practice after lobectomy has been to insert more than 1 drain in the pleural space with the logic that more tubes facilitate more complete drainage of air and fluid. However, the belief that more than 1 chest tube ...
You may need to wear a special bra and dressings over the breast biopsy site for a few days after the procedure. You may have small strips of tape orstitchesover the place your skin was cut. Don’t try to remove these yourself. Your medical team will tell you whether someone will take...
In addition, the procedure may be performed after acute myocardial infarction (heart attack); before major noncardiac surgery in patients at high risk for cardiac problems; before cardiac surgery in patients at risk for coronary artery disease; and before such interventional technologies and procedures...
Tests to evaluate heart, lung, and liver function Bone marrow biopsy (removing a very small piece of bone marrow to exam its condition and functional ability) A psychological evaluation Other tests or assessments Types of Stem Cell Transplants ...
102 men suffering from infertility because of obstructive azoospermia had ICSI using testicular spermatozoa recovered either by open excisional biopsy (n = 51), or by fine needle aspiration (FNA) (n = 51). A higher average number of spermatozoa were recovered after open biopsy than after FNA,...
Cerebral air embolism treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy following percutaneous transthoracic computed tomography-guided needle biopsy of the lung A 71-year-old man presented with cough and sputum for 12 months. Chest radiography showed a homogeneous opacity in the right lower lobe. Computed tomograp...