RecoverX also hascross-platformcompatibility so you can use the tool across all major desktop operating systems. Before trying it out, just be aware that it is an exclusive program that willonly work with Transcend storage products. You can refer to the manufacturer's website for a complete l...
Transcend's exclusive RecoveRx software features a user-friendly interface that allows you to search deep within a storage device for traces of erased files that can be rescued; the files include digital photos, documents, music and videos. RecoveRx supports almost all storage device types includin...
RecoveRx 文件恢复软件具备简单的操作界面 能让你轻松修复照片、文件、音乐、影片等数位文件,支持的装置包括记忆卡、U盘、外接式硬盘和固态硬盘 (根据实测~ 在截稿当下,此软件仍然可相容于非transcend 的产品喔)只要将上述装置连接到电脑,再执行RecoveRx 只需简单几步骤,就能将文件自动恢复到其他位置,找回你以为永...
官方網站:Transcend 創見資訊 軟體下載:按這裡 嗯… 試用過後,覺得救援的效果… 普通,不必有太大的期望,如果其他工具都不行的話,免費的 RecoveRx 也是可以試試看。 使用方法: 第1步 將 RecoveRx 軟體下載回來、安裝好之後,開啟 RecoveRx 程式主視窗並插入要救援的隨身碟或記憶卡…等裝置,在「檔案救援」選單中...
Transcend RecoveRx是个专业的SD卡数据恢复软件,能够轻松的帮你恢复SD卡中意外丢失的照片、文件、音乐、影片等数据。只需简单几步骤,就能将文件自动恢复到其他位置,找回你以为永远消失的宝贵资料!同时支援StoreJet/SD/CompactFlash卡格式化及资料防护功能,提供使用者最完整、最便利地方式管理储存装置。 该软件专为解决数据...
transcend-information/recoverx main BranchesTags Code Folders and files Latest commit History2 Commits .qmake.stash LICENSE Makefile Makefile.Debug Makefile.Release addpart.c addpart.h addpartn.c addpartn.h adv.c adv.h alignio.h analyse.c analyse.h askloc.c askloc...
RecoveRx 文件恢复 软件具备简单的操作界面 能让你轻松修复照片、文件、音乐、影片等数位文件,支持的装置包括记忆卡、U盘、外接式硬盘和固态硬盘 (根据实测~ 在截稿当下,此软件仍然可相容于非 transcend 的产品喔) 只要将上述装置连接到电脑,再执行RecoveRx ...
Developer: Transcend Information, Inc. License type: Free Setup filename: RecoveRx_v3.2.exe File size: 1.8 MB Type: Web installer Limits: None. Version: 3.2 Supported Operating Systems Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Widnows 8 Windows 8.1 Windows 10 RecoveRx Free Download All downloads were...
Protection: If you use a Transcend’s memory card with the RDF8 card reader. You can lock it with a password. It is supported only on the Windows OS. While RecoveRx works fine, the interface needs an upgrade. When I selected a hard disk, it displayed partitions with no names, i.e....