For the past month I have been putting MCT oil in my morning coffee for increased energy and mental alertness. It also kills my appetite. Also, I’ve been taking a shot of olive oil before bed and upon arising in the morning and have such a pleasant sense of well being all day. It...
Ditto if you're recovering from a complete mental breakdown. Once you get down to 2 harm a stiff drink is just not an appropriate fix fortheremaining madness that ails you. (Maybe three or four or twenty… but at that point, you're not actuallyrecoveringare you?) In those circumstances...
The paper is meant to be of value to those suffering mental distress (with practical strategies), whilst also advancing the general understanding of psychotic breakdown from the survivor's perspective.doi:10.1080/17522430802588410Ian Sparrowhawk
A theoretical and methodological framework for studying and modelling drivers' mental representations in so far as it entails defining an "experimental continuum" ranging from naturalistic observations of the driving activity (on the open road), to setting... T Bellet,B Bailly-Asuni,P Mayenobe,....
Myers described shell shock as the physical injuries that resulted from the impact of an exploding shell.1 By the end of World War I, however, shell shock's definition had become so malleable it could describe nearly any physical or mental ailment. Shell shock, with its seemingly elusive ...
One of the things that we have talked about over and over again is the need to express gratitude. When I am feeling all of these negative emotions that have a way of hijacking me and my mental state, what can I find that I am grateful for? How can I pivot from everything that’s...