If you have other problems logging in to your account, the last resort is to contact Ubisoft. You can send an email to accountsupport@ubi.com and include all the details of your request to get a faster resolution. Conclusion Visit Ubisoft's Support page if you need more assistance with yo...
If you have access to the email address associated with your Ubisoft account, you can ask the company to send a recovery code to your email address. Then, once you enter this code on the Ubisoft website, you get the option to set up a new password for your account. Step 1.Start this...
Ubisoft Connect (previously known as Uplay) is an online profile system for players of Ubisoft games. It is essentially an expansion of the Uplay service under a new name.Getting your Ubisoft Connect (Uplay)account suspendedor banned can stop you from playing your favorite games.To regain acc...