RMAN> RECOVER STANDBY DATABASE FROM SERVICE primary_connect_identifier; This command will internally keep track of standby file locations, refresh standby controlfile from primary, update the new standby controlfile with standby file names, perform incremental backup on primary, transfer the backup-piec...
Oracle 19c通过recover standby database from service修复GAP案例 案例介绍环境介绍操作系统: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.10 (Ootpa)数据库版本: Oracle上周五,系统管理员需要给Linux升级补丁,UAT环境下的一套DG,数据库没有正常关闭的情况下,操作系统升级补丁后强制reboot了,周一早上处理的过程中...
檢查備庫最後應用的歸檔日誌資訊:SQL>setpages1000lines1000SQL>SELECTal.thrd"Thread", almax"Last Seq Received", lhmax"Last Seq Applied"2FROM(selectthread# thrd, MAX(sequence#) almax3FROMv$archived_log4WHEREresetlogs_change#=(SELECT resetlogs_change# FROM v$database) GROUP BY thread#) al,5(SELE...
在处理“recover standby database from service”的任务时,我们需要遵循一系列有序的步骤来确保数据库能够成功恢复并重新集成到服务中。以下是详细的步骤和解释: 1. 确认服务中的待机数据库位置和状态 首先,我们需要确定待机数据库(Standby Database)在服务中的确切位置和当前状态。这通常涉及到访问数据库管理界面或使...
We can recover standby database from primary using service in oracle 18c with just one command. follow the below steps for rolling forward standby.
STARTUP FORCE NOMOUNT; RESTORE CONTROLFILE; # restore control file from consistent backup ALTER DATABASE MOUNT; RESTORE DATABASE; # restore data files from consistent backup RECOVER DATABASE NOREDO; # specify NOREDO because online redo logs are lost ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS; ...
The FROM SERVICE clause provides the service name of the physical standby database from which the files must be restored. During the restore operation, RMAN creates backup sets, on the physical standby database, of the files that need to be restored and then transfers these backup sets to the...
SPFILE: restore spfile from service <服务别名> 以下命令演示了如何用此新功能执行一个前滚来对备用数据库和主数据库进行同步。在物理备用数据库上: rman target "username/password@standby_db_tns as SYSBACKUP" RMAN>RECOVER DATABASE FROM SERVICE primary_db_tns USING COMPRESSED BACKUPSET; ...
H - Hot-standby (LACP only) R - Layer3 S - Layer2 U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregator u - unsuitable for bundling Number of channel-groups in use: 0 Number of aggregators: 0 Group Port-channel Protocol Ports ---+---+---+--- The EtherChannel was torn down bec...
Then later on when we were looking for the latest database backups.; we could not find any backups even though there was a maintenance plan for the same. So we decided to do an RCA why the scheduled backups were not happening on the server? We started checking the SQL Server Error ...