Microsoft 365 licensing guidance for security & compliance.An inactive mailbox (which is a type of soft-deleted mailbox) is used to preserve a former employee's email after they leave your organization. If that employee returns to your organization or if another employee takes on the job ...
Get-Mailbox PodByteSize1 -InactiveMailbox | FT Identity, WhenCreated, WhenChanged Only the Get-Mailbox PodByteSize1 -SoftDeletedMailbox & Get-MsolUser –UserPrincipalName –ReturnDeletedUsers will return a result which is telling us that the mailbox a...
Thus, making it easy for the users to migrate Exchange mailboxes to Office 365 account. Export to Live Exchange Server Exchange EDB Recovery tool will directly export recovered EDB mailbox data into Live Exchange Server mailboxes. You just need to have Exchange connectivity for this. See ...
New-Mailbox -InactiveMailbox $InactiveMailbox.DistinguishedName -Name annbeebe -FirstName Ann -LastName Beebe -DisplayName "Ann Beebe" -MicrosoftOnlineServicesID -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'P@ssw0rd' -AsPlainText -Force) -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $true L'...
Wenn kein Wert für die ExternalDirectoryObjectId-Eigenschaft vorhanden ist, ist der Aufbewahrungszeitraum für Postfächer abgelaufen, und Sie können das inaktive Postfach wiederherstellen, indem Sie den Befehl New-Mailbox -InactiveMailbox ausführen. Wenn ein Wert für die ExternalDirectory...
The Exchange recovery tool also supports archive mailbox recovery. The software can repair corrupt or damaged archive mailboxes and save them to PST, MSG, EML, RTF, HTML, or PDF format. You can also export the archive mailboxes to Office 365 or live Exchange server directly. Exchange Server...
Get-Mailbox-InactiveMailboxOnly|Format-ListName,DistinguishedName,ExchangeGuid,PrimarySmtpAddress 使用此命令返回的信息来恢复特定的非活动邮箱。 恢复非活动邮箱 使用New-Mailboxcmdlet 和InactiveMailbox参数来恢复非活动邮箱。 创建包含非活动邮箱的属性的变量。
Get-Mailbox-InactiveMailboxOnly|Format-ListName,DistinguishedName,ExchangeGuid,PrimarySmtpAddress 使用此命令返回的信息来恢复特定的非活动邮箱。 恢复非活动邮箱 使用New-Mailboxcmdlet 和InactiveMailbox参数来恢复非活动邮箱。 创建包含非活动邮箱的属性的变量。
If the inactive mailbox was included in a retention policy that has Preservation Lock, the recovered mailbox is assigned to the same retention policy. Microsoft 365 retention policy without Preservation Lock. The inactive mailbox is removed from the Microsoft 365 retention policy. However, Litigation...
使用New-MailboxCmdlet 搭配InactiveMailbox參數來復原非作用中信箱。 建立包含非使用中信箱屬性的變數。 PowerShell $InactiveMailbox=Get-Mailbox-InactiveMailboxOnly-Identity<identity of inactive mailbox> 重要 在上一個命令中,使用DistinguishedName或ExchangeGUID屬性的值來識別非作用中的信箱。 這些屬性對於您組織...