You now know how to recover deleted Minecraft worlds in Bedrock Edition because the steps are identical. The only difference is the saves' location:C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\minecraftWorlds. Way 4: Manually Import ...
How To Recover Deleted Minecraft Worlds (Java & Bedrock) Firefox Recover Deleted History: Methods and Preventive MeasuresHome Recover Files Firefox Recover Deleted History: Methods and Preventive Measures Firefox Recover Deleted History: Methods and Preventive MeasuresTrying to access your deleted Firefox ...
Minecraft 1.19: Best Deep Dark Seeds for Bedrock and Java (January 2023) How to Recover a Deleted Minecraft World? You can recover a deletedMinecraftworld by going to the Windows app data and restoring the previously saved version of the game. Here are the steps you need to follow. ...