lcolladotor/cshl_rstats_genome_scale_2024 Star3 CSHL Statistical Analysis of Genome Scale Data 2024 rstatsbioconductorcshlrecount3spatiallibd UpdatedJun 11, 2024 R LieberInstitute/recount3-docs Star2 Documentation for all things related to `recount3` ...
Below is the citation output from usingcitation('recount3')in R. Please run this yourself to check for any updates on how to citerecount3. print(citation("recount3"),bibtex=TRUE)#>#> To cite package 'recount3' in publications use:#>#> Collado-Torres L (2023). _Explore and download...
We present recount3, a resource consisting of over 750,000 publicly available human and mouse RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) samples uniformly processed by our newMonorailanalysis pipeline. To facilitate access to the data, we provide therecount3andsnapcountR/Bioconductor packages as well as complementary...
US President-elect Donald Trump is facing a new challenge from Green Party candidate Jill Stein. The minor party nominee has launched a recount effort in three swing states, saying she wants to guarantee the integrity of the US voting system. And Wisconsin's election board has approved her ...