Teddy Rileyopened his Future Recording Studios in Virginia Beach in 1991, a space that became iconic in the production of New Jack Swing and other influential genres. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in a fire on June 23, 2008, marking the end of an era for the studio that had fostered man...
“John’s enthusiastic commitment to a studio he created over a decade ago confirmed my faith in its hit-making potential,” Haddad said. Confident that he could maintain the session flow, he purchased the facility, and rechristened it Virginia Beach Recording Arts. Program An ultra-modern ...
We are located in beautiful historic downtown Pulaski Virginia. Doty Studios is honored to be a part of the downtown business growth and also honored to serve the great people of the area. Let’s Meet Jay Duncan This is an excellent place to go for your recording needs. State of the ar...
Flagship Studios, a full spectrum audio production and recording studio in Virginia Beach, providing compelling sound for music and video to clients worldwide!
Sound of Music Studios is a professional studio offering superior audio and video production. In business for 30 years, we have the space, equipment, and expertise to take your project to the next level.
Welcome to Omega Recording Studios! Featuring multiple recording studios, special recording services, and an Audio Engineering school.
Virginia Beach, USA Huber Music Room Carlsbad, USA Daniel Studio Brotas, Brazil Lakehouse Recording Studios Asbury, USA Graeme Judd Voiceover Studio Calgary, Canada Lower Eastside Girls Club – WGRL Airstream Studio New York, USA Sky Harbor Studios – Adam Young ...
Elephant Ear Studios is a professional recording studio located in Richmond, VA, featuring both vintage analog and modern digital tools. Budget rates, pro gear, decades of experience.
Stillness Studios: recording The Make Up, Edith Frost and others in rural Virginia J. Christian Quickis the proprietor and engineer at Stillness Sound Facility, located on the first floor of a 150-year-old, two-story house in bucolicWarrenton, Virginia. At the tender age of 26, Christian ...
South Main Studios was founded in the year 2000, and is the sound department of Mindwatering. We are located in the heart of Historic Wake Forest, North Carolina, and we're an easy drive from the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Triad, and Southern Virginia. We specialize in recording voice...