Billy Barnett has been making records for 35 years. His studio, Gung-Ho, opened in 1985 and is known for a hundred miles in any direction from Eugene, Oregon, as the best place to make a record. Bill oozes with excitement and enthusiasm about recording and the musicians he has had the ...
"I think you guys are doing a great job. I have been hired in a recording studio here in Ottawa. The owner of the studio has looked at my course and has had nothing but good things to say about you and the people at AIA. He has allowed me to put my diploma on the studio wall....
who was in a band called Adam Again. I don't even know how to explain them, but they were a big influence on me. He was a mailman in town, but he was also in this Christian rock band. Our buddy, Gene [Eugene], owned the studio [The Green Room, in Huntington Beach, CA] that...
Later on we did another demo with a Tascam 80-8 studio. It was a home studio and when the owner moved out of town, he told the guy who bought the house that I was the engineer who kind of went along with it. So I started going in and bluffing my way through recording. Not much...