Record of Ragnarok II(2023) Record of Ragnarok II Part 2(2023) Quotes|Add Images Comment Member Features |LoginorRegister Voting 0 VS Matches Capture Game |What is this?|Hints Locked! Waifu and Imouto systems have now merged into something new, the Family Tree! Explore 19 relationship options...
Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG TikTok Join Fan Lab Check out Fandom Quizzes and cha 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及...
Record of Ragnarok Manga, Read the latest Chapters of Record of Ragnarok Manga Online for free in English at
Loki is a character from the ONA Record of Ragnarok. They have been indexed as 男性 成人 with 紫色 eyes and 綠色 hair that is 脖子 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别 男性 眼睛的颜色 紫色 头发颜色 綠色 头发长度 脖子 Apparent Age 成人 猫耳 No Relations Add a Relation Appears in...
Ragnarok: Third RoundDuring Kojiro Sasaki and Poseidon's fight, Sekishusai was cheering for Kojiro, who even used some of Sekishusai's moves during his fight. All the sword practitioners show their support for Kojiro, knowing that he has yet to show his full skills, which eventually leads ...
Record of Ragnarok is a Japanese anime sci-fi and fantasy series directed Masao Okubo. It based on the manga created by Azychika, Shinya Umemura and Takumi Fukui. The first season of Record of Ragnarok was released on June 17, 2021. ...
Alvitr is the tenth of the 13 Valkyrie sisters. She performed Völundr with Qin Shi Huang during the seventh round of Ragnarok. Alvitr's appearance is similar to Hlökk, save for several differences. Her light red hair is bun curly shape braided, ins
Record of Ragnarok II(2023) Record of Ragnarok II Part 2(2023) Quotes|Add Images Comment The Curiosity Box AlivingHome Member Features |LoginorRegister Voting 0 VS Matches Capture Game |What is this?|Hints Locked! Waifu and Imouto systems have now merged into something new, the Fam...
Jack the Ripper is Humanity's representative in the fourth round of Ragnarok, going up against Heracles. Jack is also the main character of his spin-off manga, "Jack the Ripper's Case Files". Jack is a serial killer hailing from late 19th century Britain
Zerofuku is the Gods' representative in the sixth round of Ragnarok, going against Buddha, taking the place of Bishamonten. Zerofuku is the God of Misfortune. He is also the fusion of the Seven Lucky Gods, being their original form before splitting up in