Jack the Ripper is Humanity's representative in the fourth round of Ragnarok, going up against Heracles. Jack is also the main character of his spin-off manga, "Jack the Ripper's Case Files". Jack is a serial killer hailing from late 19th century Britain
Combat Knives:[2] Noah uses two combat knives as his weapon of choice. TriviaNoah is the only person that Jack saw being "Colorless", as his color is transparent. According to the "Dusters Book", Noah is worth £10,000 as a reward. His Rank in the "Dusters Book"/"Book of ...
Chun Yan was the caretaker and bodyguard of Qin Shi Huang. Chun Yan is a voluptuous woman with large breasts and slightly wide hips. She has a scar on her left shoulder and another one in her forehead (which is usually covered by her bangs), alongside a
Raiden Tameemon(birth nameTarōkichi Seki) isHumanity'srepresentative in the fifth round ofRagnarok, going up againstShiva. Raiden Tameemon, also known as the "PeerlessRikishi" (無む類るい力りき士し,Murui Rikishi) has the strongest muscles in the history of mankind and was a famous Japanese...
Zerofuku is the Gods' representative in the sixth round of Ragnarok, going against Buddha, taking the place of Bishamonten. Zerofuku is the God of Misfortune. He is also the fusion of the Seven Lucky Gods, being their original form before splitting up in