语句)到 raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound 如果失败,但它在运行条件之前返回500错误(因此永远不会返回404)。 有没有人知道更好的方法来处理它,或者是一种让 Date.new 更优雅地失败以便条件语句可以运行的方法? 然而,简单地渲染和失败可能更有效。 您还可以使用ApplicationController的...
环境:AIX 6.1 + Oracle 现象:在XTTS迁移测试阶段,遇到执行几个expdp的导出任务,迟迟...
err := db.Where("username = ?", username).Not("level = ?", -1).First(&User{}).Error if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { return false, nil } return false, err } return true, nil } kkb-1added thetype:questiongeneral questionslabelApr 20, 2024 ...
StatusCodes Enumeration UnsupportedTypeException Class Microsoft.CommerceServer.Orders.WebService Namespace Microsoft.CommerceServer.Profiles Namespace Microsoft.CommerceServer.Profiles.WebService Namespace Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime Namespace Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Caching Namespace ...
HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述 400 InvalidStartTime.Mismatch Specified StartTime does not math the current time. - 400 InvalidStartTime.Malformed Specified StartTime is malformed. StartTime参数错误,请您确认该StartTime参数是否正确。 400 InvalidParams invalid params - 400 InvalidEndTime.Malformed Spe...
DomainVerificationStatusRecord.cs Error code. This property will only be present if the status is UnableToVerify. C# publicstringErrorCode {get; } Property Value String Applies to ProductVersions Azure SDK for .NETLatest, Preview In this article ...
public String getHttpStatusCode() 获取请求的 HTTP 状态代码。 如果请求中断,此值可能会设置为 Unknown。 Returns: 包含StringHttpStatusCode 值的 getLastModifiedTime public Date getLastModifiedTime() 获取作为编码字符串返回的 对象的上次修改时间 (LMT) 。 对于可返回多个对象的操作,此字段为 null。
The central AP is not in normal state. Run thedisplay apcommand to check the central AP status and take measures accordingly. The CAPWAP sensitive-info PSK is different on the two ends of the CAPWAP tunnel. Ensure that the PSK for encrypting CAPWAP sensitive information is the same on the ...
{"errorType":"Error","errorMessage":"Could not find the requested call record. Records about calls or online meetings that started more than 30 days ago are not available.","code":"NotFound","statusCode":404,"requestId":"***","date":"2024-05-09T18:50:19.000Z","body":"{...
The documentation does not indicate that an exception will be thrown when there is an attempt to read a non existent record. An exception should not be thrown for resource not found when the API provides an option to return HtttpStatusCode.NotFound. This violates expected behavior, and there ...