下载 网址 这是官网地址http://www.recordit.co/ 安装 点击下一步即可 使用 1. 双击图标 2. 随后在应用栏中显示 ,点击图标 3. 可以绘制方块...
RecordIt v1.2 T.Access 逆向是一种乐趣承<<Sysinternals实用工具重构之RecordIt v1.1>>, 支持视频品质配置(视频比特率配置)。 从 百度网盘 下载RecordIt v1.2(提取码:ytr3 ) 如何使用RecordIt工具? 属性“编码质量”(即视频比特率)决定录屏后的视频文件大小,视频比特率越大,视频文件也就也大,当然精度也就越...
Record It 支持 Touch Bar, 让你操作更方便快捷,提升使用体验。 Record It for Mac(优秀的录屏软件) 软件特色 Recordit支持Windows 和Mac 两种系统,操作方式也很简单,将Recordit 安装后执行,它会常驻于右上角菜单栏,开始前先把想录影的视窗打开,点选右上角的Recordit 图示开始。使用Recordit 的十字线来拖曳、...
Record It 是一款屏幕录制应用软件,支持录制屏幕和录制声音,让您能够精准,高质量地捕获屏幕上所有的活动。 Record It 支持制作专业的应用软件演示,录制在线视频,ppt 和图片幻灯片,制作指导教程等。同时录制来自系统声音或麦克风的声音。 软件特色 Recordit支持Windows和Mac 两种系统,操作方式也很简单,将Recordit 安装后...
Screen Recorder pro is a powerful screen recording software that offers versatile features which users love. It supports three different recording modes: full screen, region, and window. Additionally, it allows users to add a camera to their recorded vid
This is the go-to video recorder for Windows 10 and Windows 11 that provides a multitube of tools for capturing your activities on the full screen or part of screen. It also comes with sound recording function. This is useful if you intend to capture system and app audio, and microphone...
before starting press the shortcut key to open Xbox Game bar, remember to open the app you want to record at first. Otherwise, it will notify that gaming features aren't available for the Windows desktop or File Explorer. Then you could follow the steps to record screen Windows 10 ...
Windows 11 has many features, like Game Bar Recorder, that support audio recording. However, it doesn't support editing the recordings directly. Luckily, you have other options. This post will tell you how to record audio on Windows 11 and record your vo
Forum:Windows Support K My OBS Crashes Whenever I Try To Record. My OBS Crashes Whenever I Try To Record And It Says: Woops! OBS has crashed! Would you like to copy the crash log to the clipboard? The crash log will be saved to: C:/Users/lenovo/AppData/Roaming/obs-studio/crashes/...
An array of other WAV recorder tools for Windows and Mac are available as well. Depending on what do you expect from your audio recorder, you can choose from the below-listed programs.1. AudacityIt is a free and open-source program that is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and other...