Daily Mail (London)
Read the full-text online article and more details about Football: By a Furlong; QPR...3 Furlong 42,86; Bircham 84 GRIMSBY...0 QPR RETAIN HOME RECORD.Sunday Mirror (London, England)
doi:10.1016/S0167-8140(11)71072-6C. Blesing and D. Marshall-Searson and S. Coutts and A. Barkwith and N. Stoner and J. Pattinson and S. Moule and F. Ma and R. Furlong and D. Gray and K. EnwrightRadiotherapy and Oncology
Drugs were predicted using 14 RNA-sequencing datasets from 72 autopsy tissues and 465 COVID-19 patient samples or from cultured human cells and organoids infected with SARS-CoV-2. Top drug predictions included statins, which were then assessed using electronic medical reco...
950 poster IMPLEMENTATION OF A WEB BASED ELECTRONIC CHEMOTHERAPY PRESCRIBING AND PATIENT RECORD SYSTEM IN A UK CANCER NETWORKdoi:10.1016/s0167-8140(11)71072-6C. BlesingD. Marshall-SearsonS. CouttsA. BarkwithN. StonerJ. PattinsonS. Moule