Music Makerenables those who want to make their own music overcome all technical and musical hurdles. So if you can't read music or don't know exactly what a chord is, it's no problem – Music Maker does all the work. Just go with your instincts and make great music. You can choose...
In the final step, your song will be mixed and mastered by StudioPros' engineer. You'll be able to download the final version of your song, review it and request changes if needed. Fixed pricing with no hidden fees. We've created three packages that make it easy to start the production...
In January 2019 I was asked to present a talk on how to release your own music to a group of people in Riga, Latvia. It was the first time I’d done anything live, with regard to self-releasing, but I took up the challenge and wanted to fit as much information into the talk as...
Make some music: Record your own CDs.Presents a discussion on the recording of music on the computer with CD-ROMs. Needed tools; Installation of the tools; SCSI connection; Testing of the system setup; Entry into the tracks to be copied; Test run; Actual recording; Copying of data to a...
You’ll learn to record from different platforms and store the music on your device. Whether saving your favorite song or creating your music, these steps will make the process easy and efficient. So, let’s begin to explore how to record a song!
Record Producers coach musicians, advise in pre-production sessions & direct the music recording and production process.
This article presents information on the music album "Let Us Make A Record," by Gertrude Morgan. The album made in New Orleans probably in the 1960's, is one of black gospel music's secret relics. Morgan fires up traditional hymns with hot chant and spoken reverie, accompanied only by ...
One of the advantages of recording at home is that you can create an environment tailored to your own comfort! Lost In The Zone One of the most important skills of engineers and producers is the ability to get the best takes from their artists. When I record other people, I don't find...
How do I get my music played on the radio? Do I really need my own website - can't I just use MySpace? How do I copyright and license my songs? This title answers these questions. It explains how to cut out the middle man and make a success of your band without being signed. ...
Fighting for a Fair and Open Internet We believe companies should be able to compete to the very best of their abilities for the hearts and minds of consumers. And that consumers should have access to all the information they need to make better, more affordable choices for them and their ...