Whether you encounter problems with your relationships often depends on the strength of the relationships beforehand. Relationships that were already strained tend to continue that way after cancer, sometimes completely falling apart. Strong relationships can become even stronger through the cancer experience...
In my relation the experiences are on the other side of the scale, the depressed partner (girlfriend) acts like a man, shutting down, running away from “heavy” commitment of a serious relationship and tries to amuse her depression with the presence of other depressed friends (mostly female)...
Through agreements with partner MNOs, SMS broadcasts can be sent to customers, with information on Refugees United and how to access the tracing tool. The ability of MNOs to zero-rate all user interaction with the Refugees United platform creates what is effectively a "free" service, removing ...
RISE was also associated with improvements in certain aspects of interoception, as well as improvements in suicidal ideation and eating disorders symptoms. In our first study, we found that particular components of interoception related not only to current suicidal ideation, but also to lifetime ...