I wanted to ask if there is anything I've missed or could add to the socket.io configuration to keep the client polling for a reconnection. I know 'reconnection delay': reconnection delay defaults to500ms The initial timeout to start a reconnect, this is increased using an exponential back...
It seems marginally wrong in that the most common case would be a flaky test that is close to the pingTimeout (too large JS or too long test). The retry might pass if the first one fails, but it means we don't address the underlying problem (pingTimeout too small). Can the networ...
当连接异常时,用try expect, 使用retry获取异常后重复操作 import pymongo from pymongo.errors import AutoReconnect from retrying import retry collection= pymongo.MongoClient(host='', port=27017,serverSelectionTimeoutMS=5000, socketTimeoutMS=5000).ali.ocr def retry_if_auto_reconnect_error(e...
.sessionTimeoutMs(1000000) .connectionTimeoutMs(3000) .retryPolicy(rp) .build(); client.start(); System.out.println("Client [" + thread + "] Server connected..."); return client; } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ...
``reconnect`` sets the timeout for reconnecting on non-server ``reconnect-ms`` sets the timeout for reconnecting on non-server sockets when the remote end goes away. qemu will delay this many seconds and then attempt to reconnect. Zero disables reconnecting, milliseconds and then attempt to ...
在测试AutoReconnect和ServerSelectionTimeout等错误的处理过程中,我发现我无法(安全/可靠地)控制引发AutoReconnect异常所需的时间。如果我实例化MongoClient,并将参数serverSelectionTimeoutMS设置为2000,则serverSelectionTimeoutMS do将在大约2秒内看到ServerSelectionTimeout异常返回。然而,当条件正好触发一个AutoReconnect时...
Upon the first failure, the reconnection timer is started for an initial timeout of 30 seconds. Each subsequent failure starts a reconnection timer with a timeout set to the time elapsed since the beginning of the algorithm, up to a maximum timeout of 15 minutes. Following this algorithm, ...
[heartbeat-interval=500ms] [election-timeout=3s] [initial-election-tick-advance=true] [snapshot-count=100000] [snapshot-catchup-entries=5000] [initial-advertise-peer-urls="[http://basic-pd-0.basic-pd-peer.tidb-cluster.svc:2380]"] [listen-peer-urls="[]"] [...
Caused by: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: GetOperation{api-general-filestore, key=[B0x033E03323531, flags=0} timed out after 60000 ms at org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.operations.HotRodOperation.run(HotRodOperation.java:172) at io.netty.util.concurrent.PromiseTask$RunnableAdapter.call(Promise...