Previous name: Reconnaissance using SMB Session EnumerationSeverity: MediumDescription:Enumeration using Server Message Block (SMB) protocol enables attackers to get information about where users recently logged on. Once attackers have this information, they can move laterally in the network to get to a...
-773-4 ways to Connect Remote PC using SMB Port: -774-4 Ways to DNS Enumeration: -775-4 Ways to get Linux Privilege Escalation:
Previous name: Reconnaissance using SMB Session EnumerationSeverity: MediumDescription:Enumeration using Server Message Block (SMB) protocol enables attackers to get information about where users recently logged on. Once attackers have this information, they can move laterally in the network to get to a...
使用者和IP位址偵察 (SMB) (外部標識碼 2012) 上一個名稱: 使用SMB會話列舉進行偵察嚴重性:中描述:使用伺服器消息塊 (SMB) 通訊協定列舉可讓攻擊者取得使用者最近登入位置的相關信息。 一旦攻擊者取得這項資訊,他們就可以在網路中橫向移動,以取得特定的敏感性帳戶。