God remained always the same, always favorably inclined toward mankind, in spite of its weakness and sin. That the Scriptures speak explicitly only of God’s reconciling man to Himself does not mean, however, that it is only man who has been alienated from God and not God from man. ...
In this context, concepts of continuity and discontinuity tend to crop up. To the extent that God’s great future is not simply the outcome of the renewal of human life now taking place, we are to speak of discontinuity. But complete discontinuity is not considered possible. What can be ex...
raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. As the Scriptures tell us, ‘Anyone who believes in him will not be disappointed'” (Romans 10:9-11, ...
In the Old Testament, sinners made the atonement to God for their sins, but in the New Testament, it is God that makes the atonement for sinners in Romans 5:11. This is just aquick little Bible study that came to me today via an email question from NTEB’er Jill, who had had a l...
Bible Studies Humility Beginning the Journey (for new Christians).en Español Old Testament Abraham Jacob Moses Joshua Gideon David, Life of Elijah Psalms Solomon Songs of Ascent(Ps 120-135) Isaiah Advent/Messianic Scriptures Daniel Rebuild & Renew: Post-Exilic Books ...
Those who are familiar with Ardelle Brody’s Torah commentaries know the depth and breadth of her understanding of the Scriptures. We were pleasantly surprised this week to get a note from Ardelle asking to use quotes fromTen Part in the Kingin her weekly commentary. You will be blessed to...
God remained always the same, always favorably inclined toward mankind, in spite of its weakness and sin. That the Scriptures speak explicitly only of God’s reconciling man to Himself does not mean, however, that it is only man who has been alienated from God and not God from man. ...
Based on the acknowledgement of their failures as voiced in the Detmold Confession (1996), the EPR now interprets biblical Scriptures in a manner that emphasizes love and mutual forgiveness (cf. Matthew 18). The Christian Gospel of grace provides helpful resources as the pastors spread the ...
Introduction He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8, All Scriptures in this article are in the English Standard Version; ESV) In a talk by Jakes (2011),...